为更准确反映火电企业的能效状况,在全要素能源效率概念框架下,基于环境DEA(Data EnvelopmentAnalysis)技术和SBM(Slack-based Measure)方向距离函数,在数据调研的基础上,测算了2009~2011年河北省13家火电企业的相对效率,结果表明:污染排放对火电企业造成了效率损失,损失大小与企业自身状况及环保意识有关;环境约束下火电企业能源效率相对较低,且呈下降趋势,企业间能效差异也有所扩大;污染排放无效率是环境约束下多数火电企业能源效率低下的主要原因,火电企业减排压力大于节能压力。应通过企业内的科技创新、企业间的交流与合作以及政府的监督指导等措施提高火电企业的能源效率。
In order to more accurately reflect the energy efficiency of coal-fired power plants, based on the data survey, based on the data envelopment analysis (DEA) technology and the direction distance function of SBM (Slack-based Measure) under the concept of total factor energy efficiency, The relative efficiency of 13 coal-fired power plants in Hebei Province in 2011 shows that: the pollution discharge has caused the efficiency loss to the coal-fired power plants, the loss size is related to the enterprise’s own condition and environmental awareness; the energy efficiency of thermal power plants under environmental constraints is relatively low, Trend and differences in energy efficiency among enterprises have also been expanded. The inefficiency of pollution discharge is the main reason for the low energy efficiency of most thermal power enterprises under environmental constraints. The emission reduction pressure of thermal power enterprises is greater than the pressure of energy saving. Measures should be taken to improve the energy efficiency of thermal power enterprises through technological innovation in enterprises, exchange and cooperation among enterprises, and government supervision and guidance.