成语是形式简洁而语意精辟的定型的固定短语。鉴于其言简意赅,含蓄精辟,色彩鲜明,表达深刻,古往今来为人所喜闻乐见也不足怪,然而也因其大多脱胎于古代诗文,其意义、色彩、使用对象等又古今有别,从而造成它使用上的谬误这也是事实。高考中此类题目又年年涉及,辨析并改正此类题目中的误用成语就显得尤为重要了。误用类型如下:一不明含义成语中关键字词的古今义殊异,若以今释古,只看表象,则会造成误用。1.成都五牛俱乐部,一二三线球队请的主教练及外援都是清一色的德国人,其雄厚实力令其他甲 B 球队望其项背。“望其项背”不是“只能望得见别人的颈项
Idioms are stereotyped fixed phrases with concise form and concise semantics. In view of his conciseness, implicity, ingenuity, vivid colors, and profound expression, it is no surprise that people have been pleased with the past. However, because most of them are derived from ancient poems, their meanings, colors, and objects of use are different from ancient to modern times, causing their use. This is also true of the fallacy. In the college entrance examination, these topics are also involved year after year. It is particularly important to identify and correct misuse of idioms in such topics. The types of misuse are as follows: An unknown meaning of ancient and modern meanings of keyword words in idioms. 1. Chengdu Wuniu Club, the coaches and foreign aids of the second and third line teams are all uniform Germans, and their strong strength makes other A-B teams irrelevant. “Looking at its subject” is not "can only see the neck of another person