The authors reported that between 1975 and 1987, patients with nasal vestibular squamous cell carcinoma who were histologically proven were 11 males and 1 female, with an average age of 65 years (50-82 years). Three had long-term exposure to sunlight, one had long-term exposure to wood dust, 10 had smoked, and five had 1 litre or more of alcohol per day. Eleven lesions occurred in the center of the nasal vestibule and one was in the lateral wall of the nasal vestibule. Six patients had T_1N_0, 4 had T_2N_0, and 3 had T_3N_0. All patients had moderate pain ulcers as their main symptoms. The average interval from symptom onset to diagnosis was 17 months (1 to 24 months). Surgical treatment of T_1 patients, 1 patient with small tumor in T 2 was treated with intra-arterial intubation chemotherapy (IAC) and other T 2 ,