由于色彩丰富、艳丽,矮牵牛广泛种植于广场花坛、盆钵,构成十分美妙景观。它的培育过程十分有趣。 19世纪欧洲人利用采自巴西及阿根廷的原种矮牵牛交配出新的品系之后,经过多年培育,产生了许多优良的品系,使矮牵牛渐渐取代了非洲凤仙花,成为世界上最重要的花坛草本花卉。到了20世纪30年代,这些第一代商品矮牵牛逐渐被日本阪田种苗公司育成的完全重瓣品系(1934年获美国AAS大奖品种)所替代。然而这种局面并没有维持多久,1940年PAN AMERICAN公司解开了完全性多瓣品种的育种之谜,并相继培育出新的品种及杂交一代的品系,后者又代替了前者,成为矮牵牛市场的主角。直到1957平阪田种苗再资助育成红白相间的名花,才重新回到竞争的舞台。随后竞争趣来趣激烈,品种更新也越来越快,1989年日本三多利啤酒公司推出“Sallnia”匍匐性的新品种,由于品种特性佳,宣传手法得当,从而对矮牵牛种苗的生产产生了极大的影响,1997年仅日本国内一年就卖出了1200万盆,欧美市场则共销售了4600万盆,成了难得的超级商品。
As colorful, bright, petunia widely planted in the square flower beds, pots, constitute a very wonderful landscape. Its cultivation process is very interesting. Nineteenth Century Europeans use of the elite Petunia collected from Brazil and Argentina after the mating of new strains, after years of cultivation, resulting in many excellent lines, so petunia gradually replaced African Impatiens, becoming the world’s most Important flower bed herbaceous flowers. By the 1930s, these first-generation petunias were gradually replaced by complete petals (bred by the American AAS Grand Prix in 1934) bred by Sakata Seed Company of Japan. However, this situation did not last long, PAN AMERICAN company in 1940 solved the mystery of the breeding of complete multi-lobed varieties, and have successfully breed new varieties and crosses of the generation of strains, which in turn replaced the former, The protagonist of the bull market. It was not until the end of 1957 that the Sakata seedlings were re-funded into red and white flowers before returning to the competitive stage. Followed by intense interest in the competition interest, species update faster and faster, 1989 Japan Sanduo Li beer company launched “Sallnia” creeping new varieties, due to good variety characteristics, proper propaganda tactics, so petunia seedlings Production had a tremendous impact. In 1997, Japan alone sold 12 million pots a year, while Europe and the United States sold 46 million pots in total, making it a rare super-product.