康熙十九年(1680年)正式恢复御窑厂后,景德镇制瓷业得到迅速发展,生产规模不断扩大,制瓷工业和技术都较康熙瓷器在造型上带有划时代的创新,千变万化,曲线和谐流畅,日常生活用瓷、观赏陈设用瓷等都极为齐备。达到了“制作日巧,无物不备”的境界。康熙皇帝8岁即位,16岁亲政,在长达61年的统治期间,励精图治,平息内乱,使得康熙朝政治稳定,经济繁荣,四海升平,国泰民安,清王朝由此进入了后世称颂的“康乾盛世”。社会的稳定和经济的发达,促进了陶瓷业生产的发展。康熙十九年(1 680年)正式恢复御窑厂后,景德镇制瓷业得到迅速发展,生产规模不断扩大,制瓷工业和技术都有所创新。
After the official restoration of the kiln factory in 1962 (1680) in Kangxi, the porcelain industry in Jingdezhen developed rapidly and the scale of production continued to expand. The porcelain industry and technology were both epoch-making innovations in the style of Kangxi porcelain with ever-changing and curvilinear Smooth, daily life with porcelain, porcelain and other ornamental furnishings are extremely well prepared. Achieved “production day clever, nothing is not prepared ” realm. During the 61 years of rule, Emperor Kangxi, who was at the age of eight and took the pride of power at the age of 16, worked hard to quell civil strife and made Kangxi’s political stability, economic prosperity and peaceful reigns. Dry prosperity ". Social stability and economic development, and promote the development of ceramic production. After the official restoration of the kiln factory in 1919 (1880) in Kangxi, the porcelain industry in Jingdezhen developed rapidly and the scale of production continued to expand. Both the porcelain industry and technology were innovative.