深化商事登记改革 助力大众创新创业

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推进商事登记制度改革是党中央、国务院作出的重大改革部署,是减少行政审批、转变政府职能、释放市场潜力的重要举措,对创新市场监管方式、建立公平开放透明的市场规则、助推大众创新创业,具有重要意义。按照成都市委、市政府的安排部署,成都市工商系统全力推进商事制度改革,有效激发了市场主体活力,释放了制度红利。截至去年年底,成都市各类市场主体达102.79万户、注册资本总额达21161.8亿元,市场主体总数和注册资本总额分别首次突破“一百万户”和“两万亿元”大关。今年上半年,成都市新登记各类市场主体116312户,同比增长34.7%,高出全国平均水平19.3个百分点;新增注册资本3546.58亿元,同比增长142%,高出全国平均水平103.6个百分点。这说明成都市商事制度改革的一系列政策叠加效应正逐渐显现,大众创新创业和投资活力正充分激发。 Promoting the reform of the commercial registration system is a major reform plan made by the Central Party Committee and the State Council. It is an important measure to reduce administrative examination and approval, transform government functions and release market potential. It is necessary to establish a fair and open market rules and regulations to promote innovation in the marketplace. Entrepreneurship, is of great significance. According to the arrangements made by the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government, the business system of Chengdu fully promoted the reform of the commercial system, effectively stimulating the vitality of the market and releasing the system bonus. As of the end of last year, all kinds of market participants in Chengdu reached 1.0279 million and the registered capital amounted to 2.16168 trillion yuan. The total number of market participants and the total registered capital respectively exceeded “1 million” and “2 trillion yuan” for the first time, Mark In the first half of this year, 116,312 new types of market entities were registered in Chengdu, an increase of 34.7% over the same period of previous year, 19.3% higher than the national average; the newly increased registered capital was 354.658 billion yuan, an increase of 142% over the same period of last year, which was 103.6% higher than the national average . This shows that a series of policy superposition effects of the commercial system reform in Chengdu are gradually emerging. The mass innovation, entrepreneurship and investment vitality are being fully stimulated.
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