中国木制品产业的蓬勃发展与企业的不断更新换代,造就了中国木工机械大市场。威力、蓝帜、豪迈等全球木工机械巨头早巳看好这一巨大市场机遇,经过10年左右的发展已在中国稳定了生产与经营的局面。在此情况下来自芬兰的世界知名木工机械生产商劳特将以怎样的优势应对来自国际对手及中国本土企业的竞争,对拓展中国的市场采取了怎样的战略?为此本刊分别采访了劳特销售经理Hannu Lukkari先生与劳特北京代表处首席代表李京利先生。
China’s vigorous development of wood products industry and the continuous upgrading of enterprises, created a large market for China’s woodworking machinery. Power, Blue Flag, Hammer and other global woodworking machinery giant early optimistic about this huge market opportunity, after 10 years of development in China has stabilized production and management situation. Under such circumstances, what kind of strategy will Raute, the world famous woodworker manufacturer from Finland, take to deal with the competition from international rivals and local Chinese enterprises, and how to expand the Chinese market? To this end, we interviewed Mr. Hannu Lukkari, Sales Manager of Lauter, and Mr. Li Jingli, Chief Representative of Lauter Beijing Representative Office.