一、模数支承式伸缩装置简介 模数支承式伸缩装置的产生:近年来,我国高等级公路和城市高架桥得到了迅猛发展,桥梁的长大化得到了突破性进展,这就要求有结构合理、位移量大的桥梁伸缩装置来适应这一需求。但是,以前的板式橡胶系列制品伸缩装置,很难满足位移量大的要求,而钢制型的伸缩装置,较难做到密封不透水,且对车辆的冲击较大,影响车辆行驶的平稳性。在这种情况下,就出现了模数支承式伸缩装置,它是利用吸震缓冲性能好、又容易做到密封的橡胶材料,与强度高、刚性好的异型钢材组合而成的,在大位移量情况下,能承受各种车辆荷
First, the modulus support telescopic device Introduction Modulus support telescopic device generation: In recent years, China’s high-grade highways and urban viaducts have been the rapid development of the bridge has been a breakthrough in the process of growth, which requires a reasonable structure , A large displacement of the bridge expansion device to meet this demand. However, the previous plate rubber series products telescopic device, it is difficult to meet the displacement requirements, and steel telescopic device, it is difficult to seal impermeable, and the impact on the larger vehicles, affecting the smoothness of vehicle driving . Under this circumstance, there has been a modular supporting telescopic device which is made of a combination of special-shaped steel with high strength and good rigidity, which is made of a rubber material with good shock absorbing and cushioning properties and is easy to be sealed, The amount of circumstances, can withstand a variety of vehicle load