Since the 90s of last century, Japan began to push for regulatory reforms in the fields of regulated industries such as transportation, finance, telecommunications and energy. In the past, the vertical regulatory system formed by industries and industries has long been deeply rooted and has formed a subdivision structure. Along with the break-through of such a structure, some achievements have been made in building market access and horizontal regulation. This regulatory reform aims at maximizing efficiency by introducing competition and promoting competition, which is exactly the same as antitrust and competition policies. Due to the reform of the regulatory system, competition law (antitrust law) can be applied even to regulated industries that were not covered by the provisions of antitrust laws. A transitional period has emerged in which both regulatory and competition policies coexist. During this transitional period, the relations between the regulatory law, policies and competition law and policy have gone from opposition development to cooperation era, and are being explored by industry in concrete cooperation.