How to use the public platform effectively delivering content school

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  【Abstract】Based on the powerful communication function of wechat, this research discusses the possibility of using wechat to strengthen the education reform, and expounds the application to promote the education reform and accelerate the auxiliary education development from two aspects of connecting the family, school, society and all other various education channels and promoting teachers’ professional development.
  【Keywords】Use, public platform, effective communication, content, school
  一、the innovation of the school education to use wechat
  The powerful functions of wechat in the spread of brand effect led us to think on how to use this new communication tool . The public can study literature, philosophy and sociology, etc. through information guide, and to promote the function of school education, and effectively enhance cohesion between the school and classroom education function, to achieve organic unifies of theoretical knowledge and practical application , which provides a reference model for us. In wechat services, China digital schools and courses are walk in front of the other venues, being the first one to achieve good publicity effect, increase efficiency of the service, praised by the general public.
  1.wechat’s attainments in terms of artistic dissemination
  Compared with the fragmentation, personal weibo dissemination, wechat attach more emphasis on professional and public official micro signal. The news of the official micro signal push cover every subscriber, and subscribers can easily release art information in the circle of friends or other network platform. Art can radiating release information, greatly enlarge the effected range.Official accounts also bear the certain artistic service function in the process of artistic dissemination, which can not easily be achieved by the past media, such as common q&a, curriculum guide, enrollment, etc in the past that need a lot of manpower to cope with, now can be done through computer module programming, it can not only improve the communication efficiency, also reduced the errors and misunderstandings caused by human factors.
  2.wechat promotes the discipline teaching.
  Art, as a very practical course, students can only grasp skills only by absorbing all kinds of knowledge for repeated use,. The art education of Chinese students learning especially in integrated use of art education has been restricted by the language environment. The emergence of wechat makes students participate freely in the art of education micro groups, group, class, or some distinctive focus on personal art education and a variety of other ways, using wechat to communicate in art education for a variety of topics, at any time. Providing the opportunity to use art for student's art education . But we should also recognize that wechat coming into the classroom is not completely replacing the traditional teaching way. Wechat has its unique advantages in stimulating the enthusiasm of students to discuss, making full use of their spare time in learning. If students information literacy is not enough or lack of overall capabilities, information resources, forms.   3.the application of wechat in the field of remote education. In the field of remote education, wechat gets the most out of the value by being used as electronic learning notes and sharing tools. Traditional network course learning notes the student module tended to only allow students in a client computer records, view, inconvenience in learning companion to share, at the same time, we cannot expect remote suddenly appeared when teaching students to leave the computer reading text learning experience, always with a learning tool for recording, so it’s difficult to share and use. And wechat allows users to establish individual community through the Web, Wap and various client, which greatly broadens the channels of student record, being greatly convenient for the user to record their own learning experience anytime and anywhere, and users can share, make the communication between teachers and students to exchange more timely, more smoothly.
  二、if the use of "wechat" to strengthen the ideological and political education work is necessary
  so how to make good use of the Internet all kinds of new things, especially in this era of universal "wechat", to explore the formation of our network era of ideological and political education work, the effective ways to improve the effectiveness of the ideological and political education work, and to maintain the ideological and political education of the young people of the attraction and cohesion, all those problems are suspending in front of the contemporary ideological and political education workers is an important and urgent task.(1) the authority departments at all levels should correct understanding and use of "wechat" to set up and gradually expand the influence in the "wechat". Ideological and political education authorities at various levels such as university, forces, the government should fully recognize and correct attitude towards "wechat", unnecessary also cannot block, they can only guide its widely application. A wide range of network research should be done immediately for ideological and political education authorities at various levels, to understand the young people thought tendency and demand, and set up their own "wechat" positions, occupying the commanding heights of the latest network transmission, enhance its appeal, to keep their thoughts and behavior guidance to young people, try to make their own personal standard-bearer of the network age, become opinion leaders in the "wechat".
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【摘 要】新时期,随着经济的发展和科学技术的进步,我国开始迈入了信息化的新时代。各行各业在时代的浪潮中都进行了自我调整式的改革。对于教育行业来说,随着新课改的进行,我国越来越重视创新型和实践型人才的培养。教师们根据现阶段教学目标和课程改革的内容对传统的教学方法进行了改良,案例教学就是新型教学法的显著代表。  【关键词】案例教学 技校 德育课 对策  德育课程一直是技校教学的重点学科,它不仅关系到学
我国正处在一场具有划时代意义的伟大变革之中。这场变革引起了社会各个领域的深刻变化,也给学校政治教学工作带来了冲击。本文就如何结合政治课堂教学,进一步推动中学德育工作的整体改革,加强和改进中学的德育课程,探讨人才培养的正确导向,谈谈自己的几点思考。  从目前的实际情况来看,中学政治思想教学工作的改革还不能适应中国社会主义现代化建设和改革开放的需要。突出的问题是,学校政治思想教育工作的实效率差,学生的
【摘 要】随着社会的发展,大学生也逐年增多,随之而来的高校建设工作也变得尤为重要。高校建设不仅仅针对传统师资方面的建设,而且其内涵建设也越来越被人们所认知。构建校园文化,推动思政工作逐渐成为了高校内涵建设的主题工作。  【关键词】校园文化 高校 思政工作  当今社会,高校内涵建设已经逐渐成为评价高校水平地位的标准,较好的高校内涵体现出一个高校独特的校园文化。构建校园文化,推动高校思想政治工作成为当
【摘 要】数字化校园的建设离不开校园一卡通工程的建设,一卡通工程是建设数字化校园的根基。文章简单的介绍了一卡的内涵以及数字化校园建设中一卡通工程建设,一卡通在整个数字化校园的建设中具有许多的优点。在建设一卡通工程同时,也应该重视一卡通系统的安全问题。  【关键词】校园一卡通 数字化校园 系统安全  一、引言  当前,信息化技术已经广泛运用于社会各个行业和领域,信息技术的发展也进一步促进我国校园数字
【摘 要】图书馆是知识库集中之地,藏有数量巨大的图书、等各种载体,那么怎样才能建设好学院的学科重点、馆藏特色服务的图书馆,更好地满足教学科研的信息需求,目前是我们直得探讨的问题。  【关键词】图书馆 学科特色 服务  网络环境下,图书馆的服务工作受到了严重的挑战,特别是新图书馆的服务工作已经远远不能满足读者的需求;在这种环境下,图书馆只有尽快找到新的服务思路,建设好学科特色服务,才能跟上时代的步伐
信息技术与课程整合是我国教育改革上的一次新的尝试, 与学科教学有着密切的联系,同时又是具有相对独立性特点的新型的教学结构类型。计算机和因特网等现代信息技术的日益普及,正在全面影响着我们的日常学习和生活方式。普及信息技术,尤其是与其他学科的整合,成為信息技术在教学模式改革中的关键。在现代教育的大时代下,以现代信息技术为手段,探索新型信息技术和学科整合的教学模式是我们在适应新课改的一次实践。  一、对
【摘 要】键盘录入技术是使用计算机时,需要掌握的一门基本技术,也是当前的职教管理部门要求学生必须掌握的一门计算机基本操作技能。因此,中职院校需要根据自身发展的具体情况,加强键盘录入技术教学,采取科学合理的教学方式,有效地提高学生的汉字录入速度。本文将主要围绕如何提高学生的汉字录入速度展开论述。  【关键词】汉字录入速度 学习兴趣 学习方法 提高  在中职院校的汉字录入教学中,为了有效地提高学生的汉
【摘 要】随着社会的不断发展,人们对于体育课程的教育功能与教学方式又有了新的认识与看法,传统军事化“灌输式”的体育教学方式,已经满足不了促进学生健康,提高综合素质能力全面发展的要求。为了在当前的教育理念下搞好中学体育教学,提升体育教育教学的有效性,本文主要以“师生互动”为突破口,对如何开展中学体育教学提出了部分探讨性看法。  【关键词】中学 体育 师生互动  一、中学体育教学中师生互动的意义  (
【摘 要】在21世纪,是高等教育发生划时代变革的世纪,这个世纪需要培养的是具有竞争意识和开拓意识的全面性发展的人才。这就要高度要求人才的综合素质和心理健康。竞技健美操深受广大女学生们的热爱,对提高女生的自信心和形态的发育有着很大的积极作用。  【关键词】竞技健美操 女生形态 变化影响  健美操是在有音乐伴奏的同时运用各种不同类型的操化运动,融体操、舞蹈、音乐为一体的练习。以有氧练习为基础,以健、力
一、网络舆情  网络舆情是由于各种事件的刺激而产生的通过互联网传播的人们对于该事件的所有认知、态度、情感和行为倾向的集合。网络舆情形成迅速,对社会影响巨大。随着因特网在全球范围内的飞速发展,网络媒体已被公认为是继报纸、广播、电视之后的“第四媒体”,网络成为反映社会舆情的主要载体之一。网络环境下的舆情信息的主要来源有:新闻评论、BBS、博客、聚合新闻(RSS)。网络舆情表达快捷、信息多元,方式互动,