海口市结核病防治所自今年1月以来,先后3次组织全所职工学习1963年全国“关于当前结核病防治工作的几点建议”。根据“建议”之精神,积极开展工作,抽派受过专业进修人员3人,分别专门抓好卡介苗接种工作和流行病学调查工作。 1.卡介苗接种工作:在特别重视新生儿接种工作的基础上,在3月底开始,用1个多月的时间,进行重点单位的普种和补种工作。接种的单位有:中学9所,公办小学31所,民办小学20所,公办幼儿园8所,民办幼儿园11所.对象计有24,242人,参加试验者22,615人(93.2%),参加复查者22,325人(98.6%),阴性人数为11,211人(50.2%),接种卡介苗人数是11,181(99.7%)。
Since January this year, Haikou TB Control Institute has successively organized all the staff and workers of the whole school to study the “Suggestions on Current TB Prevention and Control Work in 1963” in 1963. According to the spirit of the “Proposal”, we actively carried out the work and dispatched three people who have been professionally trained to specialize in the work of BCG vaccination and epidemiological investigation respectively. 1. BCG vaccination work: With special emphasis on newborns vaccination work, based on the end of March, with more than a month’s time, the key units of universal breeding and replanting. There were 9 secondary schools, 31 public primary schools, 20 private primary schools, 8 public kindergartens and 11 private kindergartens, including 24,242 subjects, 22,615 participants (93.2%), and 22,325 participants (98.6%), 11,211 (50.2%) were negative, and 11,181 (99.7%) were vaccinated against BCG.