恶性组织细胞病的临床表现常缺乏特异性,以皮损为初发表现者少见,易于误诊,现报告一例如下。 男性,38岁,无明显诱因于1987年7月初左侧肩胛区皮肤出现一个拇指大小红色斑块,轻微压痛。继之皮疹渐增大,躯干、四肢近端亦出现红色斑疹,无自觉不适,后突发左眼闭合不全,口角向左侧歪斜,1988年5月5日入我院。 入院查体:一般状况好,皮肤巩膜无黄染,表浅淋巴结不大,心肺肝脾未发现异常,左侧呈典型的周围性面神经瘫痪表现。全身皮肤可见较多散在片状斑疹,斑块,大小不等,界限清楚,表面有干燥鳞屑。左肩胛区皮肤有一明显隆起的斑块,大小约12×10cm~2,触之较硬,轻度压痛,感觉无异常。化验检查,三大常规、血糖、血脂、肝肾功能正常,颅底摄片正常,鼻咽部分泌物
The clinical manifestations of malignant histiocytosis often lack specificity, the lesion as a primary manifestation of rare, easy to misdiagnosis, the report is as follows. Male, 38 years old, no obvious incentive At the beginning of July 1987, a thumb-sized red plaque appeared on the left scapular skin with slight tenderness. Followed by the rash gradually increased, the trunk, proximal limbs also appeared red rash, without conscious discomfort, sudden left eye closure insufficiency, skew to the left skew, May 5, 1988 into our hospital. Admission examination: the general condition is good, no scleral skin sclera, superficial lymph nodes, heart and lung liver and spleen found no abnormalities, the left was a typical peripheral facial paralysis. Whole body skin visible patchy spotted patches, patches, sizes, clear boundaries, the surface of dry scales. Left scapular skin has a prominent bulge of the plaque, the size of about 12 × 10cm ~ 2, touches the hard, mild tenderness, feeling no abnormalities. Laboratory tests, the three major conventional, blood glucose, blood lipids, liver and kidney function is normal, normal skull base radiography, nasopharyngeal secretions