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史传文体是古代,尤其是南北朝文体中一种重要文体,其渊源有自,章法可循。古人重史,源于人们对史学性质、史传体例和史传撰述的认识。其中,他们又将科学地合理地建构史传体例作为撰述的重点,进行了一系列的探讨和实践。体例确定之后,写什么,怎么写,随即进入实际撰述阶段,其成败得失,由史家的史识、史笔、史才所决定。南朝现存的范晔《后汉书》、沈约《宋书》、萧子显《齐书》,便是严依这一撰述规律而被历史保存下来的典范之作。它们既是后人研究后汉、宋、齐历史的重要资料,又是探讨研究南朝史传文体的重要范本。其撰述成功,再现了南朝史传文体蓬勃兴起的历史。 Historiography style is an ancient, especially the style of the North and South Dynasties an important style of writing, its origin, the rule of law can be followed. The heavy history of the ancients originated from people’s understanding of the nature of historiography, historical examples and historical writings. Among them, they will scientifically and reasonably construct the case of history and biography as the key point of the speech and conduct a series of discussions and practices. After determining the method, what to write, how to write, then enter the actual writing stage, its success or failure, by the historian’s history, history and pen, the history of the decision. In the Southern Dynasties, Fan Ye’s Later Han, Shen Yue Song, and Xiao Zixian’s Qi Book are examples preserved by history in strict accordance with the law of compilation. They are not only important materials for future generations to study the history of Han, Song and Qi, but also an important model to study the style of historical biography in the Southern Dynasties. The success of his compilation reflects the flourishing history of the Southern Song Dynasty.
<正> 由湖南省社会科学优秀著作出版基金资助、湖南人民出版社出版的《企业素质管理概论》是作者肖毅敏研究员多年潜心研究管理的结晶,其研究的对象涵盖国内外企业,研究内容
为了研究不同类型AUV艇体阻力性能特点以及十字舵和整流罩附体对总阻力的影响,在充分研究4种艇型型线的基础上,建立几何模型,选取标准k-ε,RNG k-ε,SST k-ω湍流模式,通过CFD对艇