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  现在,很多人视他为第二个希斯·莱杰。看看两人的照片,你就知道他们有多像。巧的是,他们曾经在《对面恶女看过来》(10 Things I Hate About You,1999年)中合作;同为名导克里斯托弗·诺兰的爱将。随着科幻大片《盗梦空间》的大热,相信高登-莱维特的星途会越走越顺畅。
  注:本文标题“The Man Who Fell to Earth”取自经典科幻片《天降财神》(1976年,“摇滚变色龙”大卫·鲍伊主演)的片名。
  Child acting stars often face uncertain futures. For some, the pressures of fame and celebrity lead to burn
  out[耗尽] and substance abuse[过度使用上瘾物质,尤指酒类及麻醉药品]. Others simply fade away.
  And then there are success stories such as Joseph
  Gordon-Levitt, who broke through playing an alien
  disguised[假装] as a boy on the sitcom[情景剧] 3rd Rock from the Sun.
  Instead of disappearing into obscurity[不引人注目],
  Gordon-Levitt has emerged as a daring[大胆的] actor
  capable of playing anything from a rent boy[男童妓] to an Iraq veteran[退伍军人]. In his best-known film, (500) Days of Summer, he plays a heartbroken greeting-card writer
  trying to figure out what went wrong between him and the woman (Zooey Deschanel) he thought was “the one.”
  Gordon-Levitt was raised by politically progressive[进步的]
  parents, so it’s not hard to imagine that their values might have informed the way that their son approaches[处理] his work. “I was certainly taught that as diverse[不同的] as humanity
  is, everyone’s a person and everyone deserves to be
  respected as a person,” he says. “And that is, certainly, how I approach a character. Because if you don’t love and
  respect your character, you’re going to end up making something thin.”
  Another major influence has been the period during which he quit acting to attend Columbia
  University in New York, which he says changed his attitude to his chosen profession. “When I was younger, the only reason I did it was
  because I liked it. It was pretty much selfish. There’s still that selfishness, but there’s something else as well. When I was a kid, I really just cared about myself and the people close to me, and I didn’t really have much respect or sympathy[同情心] for the world at large. But I grew to care about the world around me in a way that I never had before.”
  He was at university on 9/11, and doing French studies at a moment when France was so vilified[污蔑] that French fries became freedom fries注1. He is proud that, with Obama in power, he can now go to Europe and “not have to feel embarrassed.”
  “Obama’s the president and that’s fantastic,” he says, “but it would be ridiculous to think that all of a sudden the country is a brand new place.” On the other hand, he believes that in a small way, (500) Days of Summer is evidence of the shift that’s taken place in the United States. “I don’t think people would have been so hungry for the kind of sincerity[真挚] it has to offer five years ago,” he says. “Then, American culture was much more about excess[过度,无节制] and I think we’ve gotten a little sick of that. We’ve come to realize, ‘Wow, we’re almost in a Great Depression now because of that.’ I think our culture is looking for something a little more sincere, a little more humble[谦逊的], and I think that (500) Days of Summer reflects that.”
  On the other hand, he can be seen in the
  sfx注2-driven G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, a film he says he did because he got to wear a “crazy mask” and
  elaborate[精心制作的] make-up, and alter his voice. He also worked on Christopher
  Nolan’s sci-fi epic[史诗], Inception. These could not be more different to the
  independent films that he has done since his return to acting. They do not, however, signal a change of direction, he insists.
  “What I like is acting,” he says. “So to me it’s not about whether the movie is big or small. It’s about whether there is an interesting, creative challenge here.”
  他正在大学进行法语研究。那时候,法国经常被中伤,以至于炸薯条(French fries)也被称为“自由薯条”(freedom fries)。让他感到自豪的是,随着奥巴马上台执政,他现在到欧洲也“不必感到尴尬了”。
  注1:2003年美国出兵伊拉克,法国对此表示强烈反对。法国的态度引起部分美国人的不悦,甚至发起抵制法国货和拒绝商业来往等行动。一些地方把“French fries”改成“freedom fries”,故意除去“French”
  注2:“sfx”指特技效果(special effects )。
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