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小编神提醒:人生本无聊,我们要有聊;人生无意义,我们要给人生意义!这是一个看起来无聊实则引人深思的话题,挺有人生况味的——原来大家都有着虚度年华的时候。来看看大家的神回复。意犹未尽的同学,不如再来酷咖网“浪费浪费”光阴。我已开帖哦,速度!就像现在一样,躺在床上刷微博。不想看书复习又没其他事情做的时候。上数学课。上厕所没带手机。去见没有以后的人,去做没有好结果的事。敲代码。开会。花时间想自己到底要做什么才不无聊。凌晨两三点,明明很困,却还在看无营养的小说。 Weird to remind: Life is boring, we have to talk; life meaningless, we have to give meaning to life! This is a seemingly boring, but intriguing topic, Tingyou human flavor - the original we all have a timeless when. Take a look at God’s reply. Unexpected classmates, it is better to come back Kucao “waste of waste ” time. I have posted Oh, speed! Just like now, lying on the bed and brush microblogging. Do not want to read a book review and no other things to do. Math class. The toilet did not bring cell phone. Go and see those who do not have the time to do what is not good. Knock code Meet. It is not boring to spend time thinking about what to do. Two or three in the morning, obviously sleepy, but still looking at no nutrition novel.
Data from both basic research and clinical experience continue to suggest that mesalamines and thiopurines are effective and efficient for the maintenance of re
社会需要规则,对违反规则的人,要给予一定惩罚。但是,是不是惩罚越严厉,效果越好呢?请看一个儿童试验: Society needs rules and penalties for those who violate the rule
如果一个学生感冒发烧,会被立即送进医院,但对一个心理有毛病的学生,则不会引起多大的关注。 If a student has a cold and fever, they will be taken to the hospital imm
Preservation of the anal transition zone has long been a significant source of controversy in the surgical management of ulcerative colitis.The two techniques f
在妈妈脑海里,有许多许多关于孩子的故事。从妈妈口中听自己小时候的故事,再听也听不烦。 “妈,讲我小时候的故事吧。” 已上小学四年级的女儿又缠着我讲关于她小时候的事。