用药方法:采用毒毛旋花子苷K0.007—0.01mg/kg/次加氨茶碱2mg—4mg/kg/次,溶于10%G S溶液20ml—30ml内静脉注射,15分钟注毕者7例;单用毒毛旋花子苷K静脉注射及口服安茶碱4—6mg/kg/次者2例,其它治疗同重症肺炎。9例病儿,除两例外,均用一次,即获疗效。1例用药2次收效,间隔9小时注射第二次;1例用药一次,收效后一周再发心衰,再用药一次,即获疗效。本组6例显效,3例好转,9例均治愈。喘憋性肺炎并心衰是在肺炎的基础上发生心肌功能减退、心输出量减少而产生的。毒毛旋花子苷K有抑制心肌细胞中的钠—钾—三磷酸腺苷酶的活性而降低钠泵的作用,能使细胞内钙离子增加,钙离子与收缩蛋白结合,能加强心肌收缩力,增加心搏血量。氨茶碱可解除支气管平滑肌痉挛,改善通气功能,增加氧气吸入,排除二氧化碳,解除肺微血管痉
Medication Methods: Poisonous hair spinosides K0.007-0.01mg / kg / times plus aminophylline 2mg-4mg / kg / time, dissolved in 10% GS solution 20ml-30ml intravenous injection, 15 minutes after injection of 7 Cases; single poisonous hair spinosad K intravenous and oral Anophylline 4-6mg / kg / times in 2 cases, other treatment with severe pneumonia. Nine cases of sick children, with two exceptions, are used once, that is the effect. 1 case of drug 2 times the effectiveness of the second interval injection of 9 hours; 1 case of medication once, a week after the effective recovery of heart failure, and then medication once, that is the effect. The group of 6 cases markedly improved in 3 cases, 9 cases were cured. Asthmatic pneumonia and heart failure is based on the occurrence of myocardial dysfunction in pneumonia, cardiac output resulting from reduced. Poisonous spinoside K inhibit the activity of sodium-potassium-ATPase in cardiomyocytes and reduce the effect of sodium pump, which can increase intracellular calcium, calcium and contractile proteins, can enhance myocardial contractility and increase heart Bo amount of blood. Aminophylline can relieve bronchial smooth muscle spasm, improve ventilation, increase oxygen inhalation, remove carbon dioxide, relieve pulmonary vasospasm