迈克尔·莱杰(Michael Leja.1951—),哈佛大学艺术史博士,宾夕法尼亚大学教授。莱杰的研究领域涉及美国19世纪至20世纪的多种视觉媒体,如绘画、电影、照片、版画等。莱杰是“新艺术史”(New History of Art)研究代表学者T.J.克拉克(T.J.Clark)的学生,两位学者都力图展示社会变迁在现代艺术中的表征。从“新艺术史”的研究视野出发,莱杰将纽约画派的作品
Michael Leja (1951-), Ph.D., Harvard University, professor of the University of Pennsylvania. Ledger’s research interests cover a wide range of visual media from the 19th to 20th centuries of the United States, such as painting, film, photography, printmaking, and more. Ledger is a student of T.J.Clark, a research representative of the New History of Art, and both scholars sought to demonstrate the character of social change in modern art. Starting from the research perspective of “New Art History”, Ledger will work in New York School of Painting