第十三届国际档案大会在中国召开,振奋了泉城济南的档案界。市档案局自年初就在全市组织开展了“迎十三、创佳绩、做贡献”活动。旨在借这次大会东风,激发大家的工作积极性,促今年全市档案工作各项任务的完成,打好“九五”第一仗,确保头年“开门红”。 这项活动共分三个阶段进行。主要内容:一是利用多种形式搞好“十三大”
The thirteenth International Archives Conference was held in China, inspiring Quanzhou Jinan archives. Since the beginning of the year, the City Archives Bureau has organized the activity of “Welcome to the Thirteen, Achieve Success and Make Contributions” in the city. The purpose is to take this easterly event to inspire everyone’s enthusiasm for work and urge the completion of all tasks of archives work in the city this year so that the first battle of the Ninth Five-Year Plan will be laid to ensure a good start in the first year. This activity is divided into three stages. The main contents: First, make good use of various forms of “Thirteen”