长江刀鲚和凤鲚是长江中下游的重要渔业资源和捕捞品种,具有较高的经济价位。但近年来长江刀鲚和凤鲚资源已呈明显衰退趋势。 为了加强长江刀鲚和凤鲚资源的保护和合理利用,维护渔业生产秩序,配合长江春季禁渔制度的实临,促涉长江渔业可持绞发层,农业部部委托长江渔业资源管理委员会办公室就长江刀扶和凤鲚曾理问题进行了调查研究和科学论证,并在广泛征求有关省(市)渔业行政主管部门、渔政监督管理机构和长江渔民意见的基础上,制订了《长江刀鲚凤鲚专项管理暂行规定》。
Daphnia maggot and Fungi are the important fishery resources and fishing species in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, with high economic value. However, in recent years, the resources of Cynanchum glaciariae and Fengyuan have shown a clear downward trend. In order to strengthen the protection and rational utilization of Daxia chuanxiong and Fenghuang resources, maintain the order of fishery production, cooperate with the implementation of the Prohibition of Fishing in the Yangtze River in the spring and promote the sustainable development of the Yangtze River fisheries, the Ministry of Agriculture entrusts the office of Changjiang Fishery Resources Management Committee On the Yangtze River Fuso and Fung Chee had handled issues of scientific research and scientific research, and extensively solicit the relevant provincial (city) fishery administrative departments, fishery regulatory agencies and the views of fishermen on the basis of the Yangtze River, developed the “Yangtze River knife鲚 Feng 鲚 special management Interim Provisions. ”