The existing D08-32 automatic copying flat from the tamper car and D09-32 type continuous tamper car operating accuracy can not meet the requirements of passenger rail line geometry accuracy. Through the development of the “two-dimensional laser alignment system” that is suitable for high-speed lines and has the characteristics of “long-chord measurement” and “automatic track-following”, the operation function of the tamping car is increased. The accuracy provided by the laser tracking device “The front-end starting volume and the amount of deviation dial input value”, eliminating the tamping operation of the “residual error.” The use of optoelectronic measurement instead of mechanical measurement methods, to avoid the impact of mechanical vibration when measuring system components in the tamping operation. Through laboratory tests, real-scale simulation test and tamping test vehicle loading test test results show that the working principle of optical measurement system is feasible, the data acquisition system and tamper control system compatibility, the output data Tamping car to meet the operational needs.