妊娠期急腹症的诊断是临床工作中一棘手问题。腹膜炎鉴别诊断的病种较多,产科文献中由腹内异物引发妊娠期急腹症者尚未见报道,本文为首例。 患者35岁,G_4P_3,孕24(+2)周,主诉腹痛进行性加剧48h,先为全腹隐痛,后发展为右下腹局限性剧痛。8年前行双侧输卵管结扎术,此次妊娠前2年行双侧输卵管再通术。查体:生命体征平稳,不发热,发育营养良好,痛苦貌,宫底高25cm,脐下闻及正常胎心音,麦氏点周围局限性压痛,无弥漫性腹膜炎表现。宫颈口未扩张,胎儿监示无规则宫缩,超声检查证实宫内单胎妊娠,胎儿成活,大小与孕周相符,右
Diagnosis of acute abdomen during pregnancy is a difficult problem in clinical work. Peritonitis differential diagnosis of more diseases, obstetric literature by intra-abdominal foreign body caused by acute abdomen during pregnancy have not been reported, this is the first case. Patients 35 years of age, G_4P_3, 24 (+2) weeks of pregnancy, the main complaint of progressive aggravating abdominal pain 48h, first for the full abdominal pain, after the development of the right lower quadrant pain. Bilateral tubal ligation 8 years ago, the two-year pregnancy before tubal recanalization. Physical examination: stable vital signs, no fever, good nutrition development, pain, uterus 25cm high, under the umbilical smell and normal fetal heart sound, Maxwell point around the tenderness, no diffuse peritonitis. Cervical dilatation, fetal monitoring irregular contractions, ultrasound confirmed intrauterine singleton pregnancy, fetal survival, size and gestational age consistent with the right