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第一次鸦片战争初期,直隶总督琦善办理交涉事务,与英国全权公使懿律、义律曾经进行过二次会谈,第一次是在天津大沽,第二次是在广东穿鼻。在这两次交涉中,琦善对英国提出的种种侵略要求,始终坚持了妥协投降的立场。一 1840年6月,英国政府派遣“东方远征军”潜入中国海域,挑起了鸦片战争。8月,侵略军按英国政府的训令,从广东沿海北上,窜抵天津海口,拦截进出海通道。英国侵略者叫嚣:“我们开到北京海口——塘沽的兵力,则是北京谈判中充分表现我们威力的兵力。如果交涉不满意,那么我们应该占领大漳湾和岛屿,做我们自己的港口。”他们侈望以武力作交涉的后盾,实现用可耻的鸦片贸易无法达到的目的。在英国侵略者图谋北上窜犯的时候,林则徐就曾屡次以“舟山之图占,天津之图控”先期入奏,请求道光皇帝救命沿海各省大吏严加防御。而 In the early days of the First Opium War, governor Qi Zhi Shan of Zhili Province handled the bargaining matters and conducted two rounds of talks with the Yi law and the righteous law of Britain’s plenipotentiary, the first being in Dagu, Tianjin and the second in Nantong. In these two representations, Qi Shan made various demands for aggression against the United Kingdom and always upheld the position of compromise and surrender. In June 1840, the British government dispatched the “Oriental Expeditionary Force” to sneak into the Chinese waters and provoked the Opium War. In August, according to the British government’s instructions, the aggressor troops flew north and south of Guangdong onto the Tianjin Haikou and intercepted the sea passage. The British invaders shouted: “When we open to Beijing’s Haikou-Tanggu forces, it is the strength that fully demonstrates our power in the negotiations in Beijing. If the negotiations are not satisfactory, then we should occupy the island of Dahhang and the island as our own port.” “They are looking to the backing of armed force for negotiations and for the realization of what they can not achieve through the shameful opium trade. When the British invaders attempted to go northward to commit transgressions, Lin Zexu once repeatedly prefaced them with ”the map of Zhoushan and the map of Tianjin" and requested the Emperor of Daoguang to save their lives and protect the dignitaries in the coastal provinces. and
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