2011年,日本工程机械销售总额为20 339亿日元,同比增长19%。其中,日本国内销售额为5 443亿日元,同比增长29%;出口14 897亿日元,同比增长15%。国内销售额、出口额以及总销售额均延续了2010年的增长态势。2011年3月,日本发生里氏9.0级特大地震,在强震海啸的重创下,日本国内损失惨重。但此后,受灾区重建需求拉动等
In 2011, Japan’s construction machinery sales totaled 2.0339 billion yen, an increase of 19%. Among them, Japan’s domestic sales of 544.3 billion yen, an increase of 29%; export 1,489.7 billion yen, an increase of 15%. Domestic sales, exports and total sales all continued the growth of 2010. In March 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan hit Japan and suffered heavy losses in the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan. However, the demand for reconstruction of the affected areas has been boosted since then