The existing capabilities of Martin Marietta’s commercial Hercules III launch vehicle enable the delivery of 14346 kg of payload into orbit. However, the ultimate goal of many rocket users may be geostationary orbit. To move from near-Earth orbit into geosynchronous orbit, satellites must have perigee and apogee engines installed. The perigee engine transferred the satellite from near-Earth orbit to the geosynchronous orbit, and the apogee engine further sent the satellite from the geosynchronous orbit to a circular geosynchronous orbit at a height of 35805 km. In order to enhance the versatility of Martin Marietta’s Commercial Hercules III, the transitional top is being developed as an additional mission for the launch vehicle. With the addition of the above-mentioned Commercial Titan III, the two satellites with a total mass of 4313kg can be directly sent to the geosynchronous orbit, thus eliminating the need to install a perigee engine on the satellite. This article describes the transition level of the development process, the current status of the application in the commercial Hercules III and future performance improvements.