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以群落样方为一维综合资源位,在北京雾灵山自然保护区天然次生林内选择2个有代表性的群落进行生态位研究,并用空间代替时间的方法以生态位的变化分析各种群在群落演替过程中的地位和发展动态。结果表明:1)群落Ⅰ和群落Ⅱ处在同一演替序列上的不同演替阶段,群落Ⅱ为群落Ⅰ后期的演替阶段。2)白桦属于生态位衰退型树种;蒙椴、蒙古栎属于生态位扩展型树种;白桦、黑桦、红桦、元宝枫属于生态位稳定型树种;大果榆属于生态位敏感型树种。3)群落Ⅱ阶段比群落Ⅰ阶段的生态位重叠值高,种间竞争更激烈。4)群落Ⅱ中桦树种群随着演替继续进行会衰退,群落将形成椴树和栎类混交林。 Taking community sample as one-dimensional comprehensive resource, two representative communities were selected for natural niche in the natural secondary forest of Wuling Mountain Nature Reserve in Beijing to study the niche, and the spatial heterogeneity of time was used to analyze the population diversity Status and Development of Community Succession. The results showed that: 1) Community I and Community II were in different succession stages of the same succession sequence, Community II was the succession stage of Community I later. 2) Betula platyphylla is an ecologically recessive species; Tilia amurensis and Quercus mongolica belong to niche extended species; Betula platyphylla, Betula platyphylla, Castanopsis hystrix and Castanea moll have belonged to ecologically stable species; 3) The niche overlap between stage II and stage I of the community is higher, and the interspecific competition is more intense. 4) The birch population in community II will decline with the succession of succession, and the community will form the mixed forest of lime tree and oak.
为给小麦偏分离规律研究及小麦农艺性状的QTL定位研究提供相关信息,以普通小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)宁7840和Clark杂交得到的F12重组自交系(RIL)为试验材料,利用筛选出的2
在辉光放电清洗的实验研究中, 应用质谱技术进行了出气分析,应用其结果对射频辉光放电清洗的效果进行评估.实验结果表明,质谱技术能准确地分析表面吸附气体的分压强,氦离子的
以大名县宏鑫旅馆实践建筑设计为例,采用DEST软件对普通透明玻璃(6MM)、透明中空玻璃(6+9A+6)、LOW-E中空玻璃(6+9A+6LE冬季型)、LOW-E中空玻璃( 6+9A+6LE遮阳型)在设计中进