目的了解济南市2009-2013年人群乙肝流行病学特征。方法利用济南市疾病监测信息报告管理系统中2009-2013年乙肝报告发病资料和人口资料,应用Excel分析软件对全人群乙肝发病数据按性别、年龄别、县区及职业分类等进行发病率的分析和比较。结果2009-2013年间,济南市共报告乙肝发病18 533例,年均发病率为54.40/10万,男性发病率(38.42/10万)高于女性(15.83/10万);以年龄组别来看,30~岁年龄组(占30.68%)和45~岁年龄组(占30.78%)发病率最高,发病年龄高峰为60~岁,发病率77.10/10万;济南市各县市区5年平均发病率以槐荫区最高(70.76/10万),章丘市最低(40.50/10万);济南市乙肝报告发病率在2011年最低(50.27/10万),2013年最高(61.92/10万),2011-2013年乙肝发病率呈上升趋势,0~岁年龄组呈显著下降趋势,乙肝平均发病年龄呈后移趋势;从职业分布情况看,农民报告发病数最高(7 743例),占总发病人数的41.78%。结论男性青壮年为乙肝发病的重点人群,应在提高对新生儿乙肝疫苗接种率的基础上,加强对其他人群尤其是高危人群的接种工作。农村是乙肝防治工作的重点地区。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis B in Jinan from 2009 to 2013. Methods The data of incidence and population of hepatitis B in 2009-2013 in Jinan Disease Surveillance Information Reporting Management System were used to analyze the incidence of hepatitis B in the whole population by sex, age, county and occupational classification using Excel analysis software And compare. Results In 2009-2013, a total of 18 533 cases of hepatitis B were reported in Ji’nan city, with an average annual incidence rate of 54.40 / 100 000. The incidence rate of males was 38.42 / 100 000 higher than that of females (15.83 / 100 000). By age group The incidence was highest in 30 ~ age group (30.68%) and 45 ~ age group (30.78%), the peak age of onset was 60 ~ The average incidence was highest in Huaiyin District (70.76 / 100,000) and lowest in Zhangqiu City (40.50 / 100,000). The incidence of hepatitis B in Jinan was the lowest in 2011 (50.27 / 100,000), the highest in 2013 (61.92 / 10 Million). The incidence of hepatitis B in 2011-2013 showed an upward trend. The incidence of hepatitis B showed a significant downward trend in the 0 ~ age group and the average age of hepatitis B showed a backward trend. According to occupational distribution, the number of reported cases of peasants was the highest (7 743 cases) Accounting for 41.78% of the total number of cases. Conclusions Male young adults are the key population of hepatitis B. It is necessary to increase the coverage of newborns with hepatitis B vaccination and to strengthen the vaccination of other people especially those at high risk. Rural areas are the key areas of prevention and treatment of hepatitis B