
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudiscl
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Background and Purpose: It is unclear whether prior therapy with antiplatelet agents (APA) is associated with a better outcome in patients with acute ischemic cerebrovascular events. Methods: Within a multi- center cross- sectional study, nested in a cohort we analyzed the relation between prior therapy with APA and stroke severity in 1643 patients with acute ischemic stroke or TIA. Clinical severity of the vascular event was evaluated by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale on admission (NIHSS1) and after 1 week (NIHSS2). By means of analysis of variance we analyzed a possible association of APA with stroke severity and interactions regarding stroke severity between APA and other clinical measures. Results: 475 patients (29 % ) received aspirin prior to the cerebrovascular event, 51 patients (3 % ) ticlopidine or clopidogrel and 26 patients (1.6% ) aspirin combined with extended release dipyridamole. 66% (1091) of patients did not take any antiplatelet medication. Neither the NIHSS1 nor the NIHSS2 nor the change of stroke severity between these time points (NIHSS1- NIHSS2) was associated with prior APA medication. We did not find significant interactions between APA use and clinical measures regarding stroke severity. Conclusions: Our results do not indicate that prior therapy with APA is associated with a better outcome in acute ischemic cerebrovascular events. There were no interactions found with other features that were associated with stroke severity. Background and Purpose: It is unclear whether prior therapy with antiplatelet agents (APA) is associated with a better outcome in patients with acute ischemic cerebrovascular events. Methods: Within a multi- center cross- sectional study, nested in a cohort between prior therapy with APA and stroke severity in 1643 patients with acute ischemic stroke or TIA. Clinical severity of the vascular event was evaluated by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale on admission (NIHSS1) and after 1 week (NIHSS2). By means of analysis of variance we analyzed a possible association of APA with stroke severity and interactions versus stroke severity between APA and other clinical measures. Results: 475 patients (29%) received aspirin prior to the cerebrovascular event, 51 patients (3%) ticlopidine or clopidogrel and 26 patients (1.6%) aspirin combined with extended release dipyridamole. 66% (1091) of patients did not take any antiplatelet e NIHSS1 nor the change in stroke severity between these time points (NIHSS1-NIHSS2) was associated with prior APA medication. We did not find significant interactions between APA use and clinical measures regarding stroke severity. Conclusions: Our results do not indicate on stroke time that prior therapy with APA is associated with a better outcome in acute ischemic cerebrovascular events. There were no interactions found with with other features that were associated with stroke severity.
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今天是小猪嘟嘟的生日。小猫咪咪、小狗黄黄、小猴皮皮都来给他庆贺生日。嘟嘟准备了一桌丰盛的午餐,还斟满了香槟,大家说说笑笑,别提多开心了。  外面的天灰蒙蒙的,风呼呼地刮了起来,好像要下雨了。小猫咪咪站起来刚把窗户关好,就听到轰隆轰隆几声响,几乎同时,房子开始摇晃起来,房顶的瓦片也噼里啪啦地往下掉。  小猫、小猪吓得哇哇大哭。小猴突然想到山羊老师讲过的地震常识,便顺手在沙发了拿起抱枕扔给大家,并大声
 为了了解砧木种子的实际发芽力,以便确定适宜播种量,播种前必须鉴定种子质量的好坏,特别是经过贮藏或由外地买来的种子更需鉴定,常用鉴定砧木种子质量好坏的方法有如下 4种: