临床医学大专班强化训练效果不佳直接影响到其临床实际工作能力 ,通过教改实践 ,我们总结出一条训练思路 ,即“一体 (一切以实习为主体 )、两翼 (以基本理论和实际操作为辅翼 )、三突出 (突出临床思维技能、基本操作技能、基本人文技能培养 )、四加强 (加强训练目的、方法、内容、考核的针对性 )用于强化训练 ,以提高训练效果。
The effect of intensive training in junior college of clinical medicine has a direct impact on its clinical practical ability. Through the practice of education reform, we conclude a train of thought that "one body (taking internship as the main body) and two wings (supplemented by basic theory and practice Wing), three prominent (highlighting clinical thinking skills, basic skills, basic humanities skills training), four strengthening (strengthening the purpose of training, methods, content, assessment targeted) for strengthening training to improve the training effect.