Objective: To evaluate the correlation of the quantifiable parameters of blood flow pattern derived with dynamic CT in solitary bronchogenic adenocarcinoma (SBA). Methods: 46 patients with solitary bronchogenic adenocarcinomas (SBA) (diameter ≤ 4 cm) underwent multi-location dynamic contrast material-enhanced (nonionic contrast material was administrated via the antecubital vein at a rate of 4 mL/s by using an autoinjector 90 mL, 4 × 5 mm or 4 × 2.5 mm scanning mode with stable table were performed) serial CT. Precontrast and postcontrast attenuation on every scan was recorded. Perfusion (PBA), peak height (PHBA), ratio of peak height of the SPN to that of the aorta (BA-to-A ratio) and mean transit time (MTT) were calculated. The correlation between peak height of the aorta (PHA) and parameters of the SBA (PHBA, BA-to-A ratio, PBA, and MTT) and those among parameters of the SBA were assessed by means of linear regression analysis. Regression equation among parameters of the SBA were obtain by means of stepwise regression. Results: The correlation between the SBA peak height (PHBA, 36.78 HU ± 12.02) and the aortic peak height (PHA) was significant (r = 0.506, P < 0.0001). No significant cor relation was found between the BA-to-A peak height ratio (15.33% ± 4.55) and the aortic peak height (r = 0.130, P = 0.388 >0.05) as it was between the SBA perfusion (PBA, 31.86 mL/min/100 g ± 9.74) and the aortic peak height (r = 0.049, P = 0.749
> 0.05). The SBA perfusion correlated with the PHBA and the BA-to-A peak height ratio (r = 0.394, P = 0.007 < 0.05; r = 0.407, P = 0.005 < 0.05). The PHBA correlated positively with the BA-to-A peak height ratio (r = 0.781, P < 0.0001). Mean transit time was 14.84 s ± 5.52. PBA = 18.500 + 0.872 × BA-to-A ratio. BA-to-A ratio = 4.467 + 0.295 × PHBA. Conclusion: The linear correlation between the SBA perfusion and BA-to-A ratio and that between BA-to-A ratio and PHBA can be expressed by equation.It is possible to design a simpler scanning procedure of investigation of bronchogenic adenocarcinoma angiogenesis.