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当代苏联著名作家鲍·瓦西里耶夫,曾以创作《这里的黎明静悄悄……》而蜚声文坛。《曾有一位克拉沃契卡》是瓦西里耶夫取材于现代生活的一篇有影响的代表作。苏联人口中女多于男的现象带来了较严重的社会问题,例如大龄未婚妇女多,抛弃或不忠于妻子的多,婚外恋多,离婚多等等。近年来,苏联文艺界反映这一现实的作品越来越多,本篇就是其中引人瞩目的一篇。小说描写一位“老姑娘”,由于长期没有找到对象,就听从单身女邻居的劝告,不定期地找个男人幽会。她的母亲以及她所在单位的那个处,几乎全是单身妇女。一位女大学生嫁给了司机,就备受周围单身妇女的羡慕,连女处长也情不自禁地说:“上帝啊!就是嫁给司机我也乐意!”小说围绕这个题材,既写了当代苏联人对生活的热爱和追求,也写了苏联社会存在的一些弊病,具有较浓厚的生活气息。小说作者今年6月曾来我国访问,他在写给小说译者的信中说:“一个普普通通的俄罗斯姑娘的命运能在贵国为人所知,这使我感到十分幸福。”本篇写于1982年,首次发表在苏联《青春》杂志1987年第1期. Contemporary famous writer Bob Vasiliev, once created the “dawn here quietly ... ...” and renowned literary world. “There was a Kravozhaka” is an influential representative of Vasiliev from modern life. The fact that more women than men in the Soviet Union led to more serious social problems, such as more unmarried women of older age, more abandonment or infidelity to their wives, more extramarital affairs, more divorce, and so on. In recent years, the literary and art circles in the Soviet Union have reflected more and more works in this reality. This is one of the most remarkable articles in this field. The novel portrays an “old girl” who, following a long absence of an object, follows the advice of a single female neighbor and finds a man from time to time. Her mother and her unit where almost all single women. A female university student marries the driver, is envied by the surrounding single woman, even the female director also can not help but say: “God! Is to marry the driver I am also happy!” The novel centered on this subject, both wrote the contemporary Soviet Union Human love and pursuit of life, but also wrote some shortcomings of the Soviet society, with a thick atmosphere of life. The author of the novel came to visit China in June this year and wrote in a letter to the translator: “I am very happy to know that the fate of an ordinary Russian girl can be known in your country.” Written in 1982, first published in the Soviet Union “Youth” magazine in 1987 first issue.
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早晨之歌我感到孩童般的美好, 清晨起个大早。小树枝头挂满温煦的阳光, 孩子们兴高采烈唱着早晨之歌。那纯真美丽的爱情, 充彻了我冷寂的心。多么美好的早晨哟, 多么使人感