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敢不敢正视和博采中外人类优秀文化成果和能不能使其为创造本民族的新的文化服务,这是测验一个民族有没有自信心和进取精神的试金石.而周恩来广采博纳的戏剧民族化思想,关于创建中国新的民族风格的戏剧艺术体系的构想,正反映了一个伟大政治家和民族文化巨人的非凡的胸襟与气魄.1 坚持走中国自己的道路,创造戏剧的民族风格体系,是周恩来的一贯主张和毕生追求的艺术理想.早在本世纪初,他在南开学校读书时写的《吾校新剧观》一文,就已经萌生了这样的思想.在这篇论文中,周恩来在联系我国“新剧” 现状,介绍欧美戏剧类别和潮流时,强调了立足于中国社会现实的抉择去取的自主意识.他说:“吾之论新剧,于吾校实为主观,而吾之主旨,又非纯求合乎欧美之种类潮流,特大势所趋,不得不资为观鉴,取舍去留,是在吾人之自择耳.”这就是说,发展我国的“新剧”,尤其是这种“舶来”的戏剧样式,必须认识世界、特别是欧美戏剧思潮的发展动态与趋势,以资鉴戒;至于“取舍去留”, Dare to face up to and take advantage of the excellent cultural achievements of mankind both at home and abroad and whether it can be used as a new cultural service to create a new national culture is the touchstone for testing the confidence and enterprising spirit of a nation and Zhou Enlai, The idea of ​​creating a new theater system for the Chinese national culture reflects the extraordinary ambition and courage of a great statesman and a national cultural giants.1 He insisted on following China’s own path and creating a drama-style national style system, Is Zhou Enlai’s consistent advocacy and lifelong pursuit of artistic ideal.As early as the beginning of this century, he was studying in Nankai school wrote “my school new drama concept” has sprouted such a thought.In this paper, Zhou Enlai In connection with the current situation of “new drama” in our country and the introduction of drama genres and trends in Europe and the United States, he emphasized that the self-consciousness to be based on the choices of social reality in China emphasizes: “My theory of new plays is really subjective in my school, My purpose is not purely conforming to the current trend of Europe and the United States. As a result of the tremendous trend, it is my choice. ”This means that the development of our country’s“ New Drama ”, especially this“ come ”drama style, we must understand the development trends and trends in the world, especially those in Europe and the United States,
【正】 (一) 纵观20世纪英国文学的演变过程,人们不难发现其中存在着两种相互对立的倾向。一种倾向来自19世纪维多利亚时代的现实主义传统,是20世纪条件下的现实主义。另一种
现行高中语文课本(1990年10月版)第一册的《赤壁之战》中,有两个字的解释各家说法不一,值得商榷。在此,我们不揣浅陋,作一探讨,以期抛砖引玉,求教于大方之家。  一 关于“
【正】 在口头英语中,同一个句子,由于语调不同,往往表达出不同的思想感情。这是我们学习英语语调最困难的地方,也是最容易忽略的地方,更是最重要的地方。“在人们的谈吐中,
<正> 变压器并联运行的条件之一是短路阻抗u_k值相近。因为并联运行变压器的负载分配是与其本身的短路阻抗成反比的。如果u_k相差较大,负载的分配就很不合理,从而使总出力降
【正】 原始印欧语(Proto-Indo-European)简称为印欧语(Indo-European),原来也叫吉弗提克语(Japhetic), 雅利安语(Aryan)和印度日尔曼语(Indo-Germanic)。它是五千年以前的一