Synthesizing double haploid hexaploid wheat populations based on a spontaneous alloploidization proc

来源 :遗传学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuyuebing
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Doubled haploid(DH) populations are useful to scientists and breeders in both crop improvement and basic research.Current methods of producing DHs usually need in vitro culture for extracting haploids and chemical treatment for chromosome doubling.This report describes a simple method for synthesizing DHs(SynDH) especially for allopolyploid species by utilizing meiotic restitution genes.The method involves three steps:hybridization to induce recombination,interspecific hybridization to extract haploids,and spontaneous chromosome doubling by selfing the interspecific F_1s.DHs produced in this way contain recombinant chromosomes in the genome(s) of interest in a homogeneous background.No special equipment or treatments are involved in the DH production and it can be easily applied in any breeding and/or genetic program.Triticum turgidum L.and Aegilops tauschii Coss,the two ancestral species of common wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) and molecular markers were used to demonstrate the SynDH method. Doubled haploid (DH) populations are useful to scientists and breeders in both crop improvement and basic research. Current methods of producing DHs usually need in vitro culture for extracting haploids and chemical treatment for chromosome doubling. This report describes a simple method for synthesizing DHs ( SynDH) especially for allopolyploid species by utilizing meiotic restitutions. The method involves three steps: hybridization to induce recombination, interspecific hybridization to extract haploids, and spontaneous chromosome doubling by selfing the interspecific F_1s.DHs produced in this way containing recombinant chromosomes in the genome (s) of interest in a homogeneous background. No special equipment or treatments are involved in the DH production and it can be easily applied in any breeding and / or genetic program. Triticum turgidum L. and Aegilops tauschii Coss, the two ancestral species of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and molecular markers were used to demonstrate the SynDH met hod.
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