登记号为多花黑麦草农林15号,系统名为友系19号(1987年命名)。 特性概要 该品种属于极长期利用型,是提供越夏第1年或者2年利用的晚熟四倍体系统。株型为匍匐型。据茨城县畜产试验场等的资料,抽穗期5月10日,春季茎长42.9cm,茎粗4mm。越夏性及越夏后第1
Registration number for the ryegrass agriculture and forestry on the 15th, the system known as the Department of friendship on the 19th (1987 named). Summary of Features This species is very long-term use, is to provide the first year of summer or two years of late-maturity tetraploid system. Plant type is creeping. According to Ibaraki Livestock Testing Center and other information, heading May 10, the spring stem length 42.9cm, stem diameter 4mm. The more summer and summer after the first