为了切实提高公共场所卫生工作水平,预防疾病,保障人体健康,促进其工作步入法制化、规范化、科学化轨道,本人根据多年工作情况,浅谈如下,供广大公共场所工作者参考。 首先,要认真贯彻预防为主的工作方针,争取社会支持,达到提高社会效益和经济效益的最佳效果。坚持把预防传染病同公共场所卫生工作相结合,促进和推动公共场所卫生工作的开展;利用媒体和各种宣传工
In order to effectively improve the level of public health work to prevent diseases and protect human health and promote their work into the legal, standardized and scientific track, I based on years of work, as follows, for the majority of workers in public places for reference. First of all, we should conscientiously implement the work principle of prevention-oriented efforts and strive for social support so as to achieve the best possible results in improving social and economic benefits. Adhere to the prevention of infectious diseases and public health work combined to promote and promote the public health work; the use of the media and a variety of propaganda