First, the U.S. Exclusion of China is the Result of Its Domestic Political Strife In the mid-19th century, the United States began to recruit laborers from China for the development of the Pacific coast to engage in mining, road construction, farmland reclamation and fish capture. These Chinese laborers are called laborers. Chinese laborers first came into the country because of their hard-working and kindheartedness. They were generally welcomed by all walks of life in the Pacific Coast. Therefore, both the federal and local governments in the United States adopted the policy of encouraging overseas workers to come to the United States. The 1868 “Treaty of Succession between China and the United States” stipulates that the people of the two countries “either wish to live frequently or stay at home anyway and always allow themselves to be forbidden,” a concrete manifestation of this policy. According to U.S. official statistics, in 1851-1861, they arrived in China