Experimental Study on Noise Reduction of Punch Press

来源 :Journal of DongHua University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ziquan33071033
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To reduce the noise of punch press during the punching process, the polyurethane elastomer is used as the damping material. The experiments of reducing noise were made by means of adding the polyurethane elastomer at different positions of 100 kN and 1 000 kN punch press. The better effect of reducing the noise was obtained. With the research and analysis of a large number of test data, the “equivalent damping hypothesis” is put forward. The hypothesis makes the experiment of reducing noise be more simple and cost effective. This method would be exploited in area of vibration control and reducing noise. The experiments of reducing noise were made by means of adding the polyurethane elastomer used in the punching process, the polyurethane elastomer is used as the damping material. The effect of reducing the noise was obtained. With the research and analysis of a large number of test data, the “equivalent damping hypothesis ” is put forward. The hypothesis makes the experiment of reducing noise be more simple and cost effective. method would be exploited in area of ​​vibration control and reducing noise.
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