这是《生命 生命》的课堂教学片段。 师:上一课,我们学习了莫顿·亨特的散文《走一步, 再走一步》,它告诉我们什么道理? 生:将大的困难分解为一个一个小的问题,然后“走 一步,再走一步”,就可以化难为易了。 师:对!今天我们要学习的《生命 生命》是一篇哲 理性很强的散文,有很多地方值得我们好好品味。对于 这样难度较大的文章,我们也采取“走一步,再走一步” 的方法。
This is a classroom instructional clip of Life Life. Teacher: In the previous lesson, we learned Morton Hunt’s prose, “Go one step further, go one step further.” What does it tell us? Student: Break down big problems into one small problem, and then “take a step, If you go one step further, you can turn it into something difficult. Teacher: Yes! Today’s ”Life Life" to be studied is a very philosophical prose. There are many places worthy of our taste. For such difficult articles, we have also adopted the “go one step further and take another step” approach.