在证实甲硝唑氨酸注射液(下简称CM)可安全在临床上应用的基础上,我们对40例食管癌患者进行~(?)Co放射治疗的同时加用CM注射液,并与同期单纯放射治疗的40例食管癌患者进行对照,以观察CM的放射增敏作用。 80例患者均经X线及病理学检查证实,按TNM分期均为Ⅱ、Ⅲ期病人。
After confirming that metronidazole injection (hereinafter referred to as CM) can be safely applied in clinical practice, we added CM injection to 40 cases of esophageal cancer patients simultaneously with ((?)Co radiotherapy and the same period. In 40 patients with esophageal cancer treated with radiotherapy alone, controls were used to observe the radiosensitization of CM. All 80 patients were confirmed by X-ray and pathological examination. All patients were classified as stage II or III according to TNM.