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当前一些消极腐败现象屡禁不止,一些领导干部搞权钱交易、权色交易,简直到了利令智昏、胆大包天、无法无天的地步,其中一个重要原因,就是相当一些党组织和领导治党不严,对党员干部特别是领导干部疏于教育、疏于管理、疏于监督。坚持从严治党的方针,重点要抓好五个环节:第一,严格教育。改革开放以来,一些党组织和党员领导干部只埋头抓经济建设,把思想教育工作放在可有可无的位置上,致使崇高的共产主义理想、坚定的革命信念、为人民服务的宗旨、无私奉献精神在一些党员头脑中淡化了。只讲经济规律和价值规律,不讲无产阶级 At present, some negative and corrupt phenomena continue to be banned. Some leading cadres engage in power trading and trade on their own terms. It is only because of the sense of ignorance and courage and incompetence. One of the important reasons for this is that some party organizations and leaders are not strict in governing the party, Leading cadres are neglecting education, neglecting management and neglecting supervision. Adhering to the principle of strictly administering the party, we must focus on five key areas: first, strict education. Since the reform and opening up, some party organizations and party members and leading cadres have been hard at work in economic construction and placed their ideological education on an optional place, resulting in lofty communist ideals, firm revolutionary beliefs, serving the people for selflessness and selflessness Dedication degenerated in the minds of some party members. Only talk about economic law and value law, do not speak of the proletariat
摘要:目的:探讨手术室工作环境对工作人员的职业危害及防护措施。方法:通过临床观察和分析,认识到手术室工作人员长期工作在受空气污染、生物感染、电离辐射、心理危害的环境中,采用了加强室内空气流通,避免生物感染、避免电离辐射、防止身体疲劳等一系列防范措施。结果:增强了手术室工作人员的自身保护意识,对人们的健康素质有了很大提高,减少了环境污染。结论:减少或消除造成职业危害的各种因素是防范措施的关键。  关