Carbon Isotope Discrimination is not Correlated with Transpiration Efficiency in Three Cool-Season G

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahua501
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The carbon isotope discrimination(δ~(13))of leaves has been shown to be correlated with the transpiration efficiency ofleaves in a wide range of species.This has led to δ~(13)C being used in breeding programs to seiect for improved transpirationefficiency.The correlation between δ~(13)C and transpiration efficiency was determined under well-watered conditions duringthe vegetative phase in six genotypes of lentil(Lens culinaris Medikus),six genotypes of chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.)and 10cultivars of narrow-leafed lupin(Lupinus angustifolius L.).Biomass(dry matter)accumulation and water use(transpiration)varied among the genotypes in all three species and transpiration efficiency was 40% to 75% higher in the most efficientcompared with the least efficient genotypes.However,δ~(13)C and transpiration efficiency were not significantly correlatedin any of the species.This suggests that the δ~(13)C technique cannot be used in selection for transpiration efficiency in thethree grain legumes(pulses)studied. The carbon isotope discrimination (δ ~ (13)) of leaves has been shown to be correlated with the transpiration efficiency of leaves in a wide range of species. This led to δ ~ (13) C being used in breeding programs to seiect for improved transpirationefficiency.The correlation between δ ~ (13) C and transpiration efficiency was determined under well-watered conditions was the vegetative phase in six genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus), six genotypes of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and 10ultivars of narrow- leafmass lupin (dry matter) accumulation and water use (transpiration) varied among the genotypes in all three species and transpiration efficiency was 40% to 75% higher in the most efficientcompared with the least efficient genotypes.However , δ ~ (13) C and transpiration efficiency were not significantly correlated with any of the species. This suggests that the δ ~ (13) C technique can not be used in selection for transpiration efficiency in the three grain legum es (pulses) studied.
茶树梢中GA3和ABA含量在越冬期间最高 ,随着春梢萌发生长而下降 ;IAA、ZT含量则在越冬期间最低 ,春梢萌发初期含量迅速上升 ,此后上升缓慢或略有下降。GA3/ABA、IAA/ABA在越