From the results of researches of active faults in resent years, a correlation analysis between segments of the faults according to surface ruptures in nine historical strong earthquakes occurring in downfaulted system and active structures around Ordos block is conducted in paper. The result shows that there is a good correlation between them, except few individual data that have more uncertain parameters. It shows that intensity and segments of surface ruptures in these strong earthquakes are intrinsically related with the active structures. These strong earthquakes produced stable and unstable rupture boundaries of characteristic-earthquake type and successive occurrence of strong earthquakes on the different boundary faults in the same tectonic unit.
From the results of researches of active faults in resent years, a correlation analysis between segments of the faults according to surface ruptures in nine historical strong earthquakes occurring in downfaulted system and active structures around Ordos block is conducted in paper. a good correlation between them, except few individual data that have more uncertain parameters. These strong and segments of surface ruptures in these strong earthquakes are intrinsically related with with the active structures. These strong earthquakes produced stable and unstable rupture boundaries of characteristic-earthquake type and successively occurrence of strong earthquakes on the different boundary faults in the same tectonic unit.