Dance Researcher Li Yayuan
After your many travels,what isyour impression of Africa?[The] optimistic attitude toward lifehas impressed me most.This impres-sion has never changed.Africans arekind,honest,smart and learn fast.When I was there,my teachers andclassmates always helped me,andlater we became good friends.Whenstudying in Tunisia,I suffered from adrug allergy and felt very weak.MyAfrican classmates sent me local herbsand prayed for me.On my birthday,my roommates put their money to-gether to buy me coke and cakes,andsang songs for me.I was really moved.
You studied in Africa twice.Howwere those experiences?
When I studied abroad,I encounteredmany difficulties,but my family sup-ported and encouraged me,and l amvery grateful to them.When I decidedto study in Senegal,I was 40 plus.Before I went there I spent one yearstudying French,which was a big chal-lenge for me.During my stay there Icontracted malaria,but I overcame mydifficulties and completed my study.
What I learned in Africa helped mego a step further in my studies andresearch of African dance.It also gaveme a lot of inspiration.After I cameback,I choreographed many dances,one of which is called The Place Clos-est to the Sun.My inspiration camefrom the hot sun in Africa.In addition,my stay there made my characterstronger.I became more optimisticand open-minded.I also love localAfrican dishes,clothes,wood carvings-all of which made my life there richerand more colorful.
What role do you think danceplays in the lives of Africans?What are the similarities anddifferences between Africandance and Chinese dance?
For Africans,dance is like salt-it'sindispensable in their lives.[While]the costumes in many African dancesare not gorgeous,their passion has agreat spiritual impact.The dances ofthe Wa ethnic group in south China'sYunnan Province are very similarto African dance,as most of theirmovements demonstrate daily life[activities] like working.
There are various African dances,with different regions and tribes fea-turing their own dances.Some arelyrical,while others are ebullient.Butgenerally speaking,African dancesare rhythmic,vigorous and empha-size interaction with the audience.It's a good thing that now moreChinese young people are looking tolearn African dance.
Are there any particularprojects you wish youcould work on?
Now I still pay close attention toAfrican dance.Every time Africandance troupes tour China,I go towatch their performances and wantto know the current developmentsin African dance.I'm also very in-terested in the influence of Chinesecultural centers set up in Africa.If theopportunity arose,I would go backand revisit my teachers and friends.If I were 20 years younger,I wouldset up an African dance school [inChina],so that I could teach what I'velearned to more people.
After your many travels,what isyour impression of Africa?[The] optimistic attitude toward lifehas impressed me most.This impres-sion has never changed.Africans arekind,honest,smart and learn fast.When I was there,my teachers andclassmates always helped me,andlater we became good friends.Whenstudying in Tunisia,I suffered from adrug allergy and felt very weak.MyAfrican classmates sent me local herbsand prayed for me.On my birthday,my roommates put their money to-gether to buy me coke and cakes,andsang songs for me.I was really moved.
You studied in Africa twice.Howwere those experiences?
When I studied abroad,I encounteredmany difficulties,but my family sup-ported and encouraged me,and l amvery grateful to them.When I decidedto study in Senegal,I was 40 plus.Before I went there I spent one yearstudying French,which was a big chal-lenge for me.During my stay there Icontracted malaria,but I overcame mydifficulties and completed my study.
What I learned in Africa helped mego a step further in my studies andresearch of African dance.It also gaveme a lot of inspiration.After I cameback,I choreographed many dances,one of which is called The Place Clos-est to the Sun.My inspiration camefrom the hot sun in Africa.In addition,my stay there made my characterstronger.I became more optimisticand open-minded.I also love localAfrican dishes,clothes,wood carvings-all of which made my life there richerand more colorful.
What role do you think danceplays in the lives of Africans?What are the similarities anddifferences between Africandance and Chinese dance?
For Africans,dance is like salt-it'sindispensable in their lives.[While]the costumes in many African dancesare not gorgeous,their passion has agreat spiritual impact.The dances ofthe Wa ethnic group in south China'sYunnan Province are very similarto African dance,as most of theirmovements demonstrate daily life[activities] like working.
There are various African dances,with different regions and tribes fea-turing their own dances.Some arelyrical,while others are ebullient.Butgenerally speaking,African dancesare rhythmic,vigorous and empha-size interaction with the audience.It's a good thing that now moreChinese young people are looking tolearn African dance.
Are there any particularprojects you wish youcould work on?
Now I still pay close attention toAfrican dance.Every time Africandance troupes tour China,I go towatch their performances and wantto know the current developmentsin African dance.I'm also very in-terested in the influence of Chinesecultural centers set up in Africa.If theopportunity arose,I would go backand revisit my teachers and friends.If I were 20 years younger,I wouldset up an African dance school [inChina],so that I could teach what I'velearned to more people.