鲜花带来春天文化气息。Academician Gong Xiaonan at home with a pot of flowers
说到自己的业余文化生活,龚院士说这跟父亲的影响也有关系。他说:“我的父亲龚樟杰曾担任过金华市婺城区罗埠镇山下龚村的党支部书记,虽然父亲只上过五年学,但平时热爱学习,通过长期努力,能读浙江日报、参考消息等各种报刊、书籍。他关心国内外大事,晚年写家史、查考龚氏家族历史。我的父亲特别重视子女的教育,一直鼓励孩子好好读书,勤学文化,有时候还会讲一些民间故事给我们兄弟姐妹听。 ”民间故事、文学名著、文化知识伴随着龚家孩子的成长。龚院士说:“如今我们7个兄弟姐妹中,有5个人是教师,其中有3个大学教授,一个中学老师,一个小学高级教师。我主张知识面要宽,业余时间书看得比较杂。我自小喜欢看书,小学、中学时,课余时间看的书有的是父辈珍藏的古籍书,有的是向学校和
父亲遇到家里有喜事的时候,会写一首打油诗庆贺。受父亲影响,龚晓南也会这样。1981年9月获浙江大学岩土工程硕士学位,他便带着全家去游儿童公园、游西湖,并即兴吟诵了一首小诗,表达心中的兴奋之情:“九月杭城桂花香,学业初成精神爽。儿童公园嬉戏乐,泛舟西湖全家欢。 ”1984年9月龚晓南获博士学位,成为浙江省和我国岩土工程界自己培养的第一位博士。获得博士学位后的第二天,龚晓南登上西湖边的玉皇山,又即兴赋诗一首:“昨摘博士冠,今登玉皇山。抬头向前看,明日再登攀。 ”他认为一个搞自然科学研究的人,也要有文化艺术的修养,这样才能相得益彰。
龚院士在书房翻阅资料。Gong at his studio
Academician Gong poses for a picture at home.
By Xu Zhongyou
龚院士正在审阅论文。 Gong reads a paper on his computer.
It was announced on the morning of December 8, 2011 that Pro-fessor Gong Xiaonan (born in 1944), a foundation scientist with Zhejiang University, was elected an academician of Chinese Acad-emy of Engineering. Zhejiang was honored to have two professors elected in 2011. The other is Professor Chen Jiannan, president of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
I visit the 68-year-old Professor Gong at his home a few days before the Spring Festival in 2012. I had mistakenly imagined meeting a sort of bookworm, but when I walk into his home, I am deeply impressed by a touch of culture in the sitting room and I find him a man of culture and hobby. On the walls are a few paint-ings and large photographs of his families. Over the sofa are a few red strings displaying about 100 New Year cards from colleagues, friends, relatives, students and government offices. These cards con-gratulate him on his academic recognition. The professor does not display these cards for showoff. He likes the fine artistry of these cards: dragon images, the Chinese character 龙 (dragon) in various calligraphic styles, and messages.
Before my interview with the professor starts, Gong makes me a cup of oolong tea. I witness a complicated process of tea mak-ing, which shows that he is versed in tea culture. He confesses to a passion for tea. His sister is a professor of tea studies with the Ag-ricultural College of Zhejiang University and introduced him to tea culture. He says a cup of tea helps him better ponder scientific and engineering issues. He also enjoys having a cup of tea with his fam-ily.
Gong reveals that his father was a self-educated man. His father used to work as a village chief. With only five years of education
in primary school, he taught himself to read newspapers. In his evening years, the senior traced the family roots and put together a family genealogy. The father gave top priority to education, giv-
ing his seven children opportunities to go to school. Now five of
the seven grew up to be teachers: three collage professors, a middle school teacher and a primary school teacher with a senior title.
The professor says that he has benefited a great deal from the four major classical novels he read in his boyhood years. He does not hide his preference for stories of gods and devils and kongfu legends written by ancients.
Gong Xiaonan’s education and career advance was smooth. When he entered Qinghua University as a major of civil engineer-ing in July 1961, the 17-year-old was the youngest in the class. After graduation, he worked in the northwestern China, building roads and bridges. In 1978, he took a graduate course at Zhejiang University. This graduate course was a turning point of his career. He shifted his academic focus on geotechnical engineering. He got his master’s degree in 1981 and doctoral degree in 1984. He was China’s first PhD in the field of geotechnical engineering. In 1986, he received a scholarship and went to study at Karlsruhe University for two years. On returning to Zhejiang University in the spring of 1988, he became a professor; in 1993, he was appointed a doctoral advisor. He has assumed a series of leaderships at honorable profes-sional institutions and publications.
Gong Xiaonan has left his master touches in various construc-tion projects in the urbanization of Hangzhou, including a highway project that won a top national construction honor in 2004. Gong has written and edited 16 books and over 400 papers. Under his tu-telage, 75 have acquired master’s degrees and 72 doctoral degrees.
Before the interview ends, Gong shows me a few photos of the past. In his younger years, he practiced boxing and sword. In one of the pictures, he does the splits perfectly. With total dedication to work, he did not have time for practicing kongfu more diligently, but he still finds time for swimming and doing Taiji boxing. He be-lieves a scientist needs both academic knowledge and health to go far in his career. □
说到自己的业余文化生活,龚院士说这跟父亲的影响也有关系。他说:“我的父亲龚樟杰曾担任过金华市婺城区罗埠镇山下龚村的党支部书记,虽然父亲只上过五年学,但平时热爱学习,通过长期努力,能读浙江日报、参考消息等各种报刊、书籍。他关心国内外大事,晚年写家史、查考龚氏家族历史。我的父亲特别重视子女的教育,一直鼓励孩子好好读书,勤学文化,有时候还会讲一些民间故事给我们兄弟姐妹听。 ”民间故事、文学名著、文化知识伴随着龚家孩子的成长。龚院士说:“如今我们7个兄弟姐妹中,有5个人是教师,其中有3个大学教授,一个中学老师,一个小学高级教师。我主张知识面要宽,业余时间书看得比较杂。我自小喜欢看书,小学、中学时,课余时间看的书有的是父辈珍藏的古籍书,有的是向学校和
父亲遇到家里有喜事的时候,会写一首打油诗庆贺。受父亲影响,龚晓南也会这样。1981年9月获浙江大学岩土工程硕士学位,他便带着全家去游儿童公园、游西湖,并即兴吟诵了一首小诗,表达心中的兴奋之情:“九月杭城桂花香,学业初成精神爽。儿童公园嬉戏乐,泛舟西湖全家欢。 ”1984年9月龚晓南获博士学位,成为浙江省和我国岩土工程界自己培养的第一位博士。获得博士学位后的第二天,龚晓南登上西湖边的玉皇山,又即兴赋诗一首:“昨摘博士冠,今登玉皇山。抬头向前看,明日再登攀。 ”他认为一个搞自然科学研究的人,也要有文化艺术的修养,这样才能相得益彰。
龚院士在书房翻阅资料。Gong at his studio
Academician Gong poses for a picture at home.
By Xu Zhongyou
龚院士正在审阅论文。 Gong reads a paper on his computer.
It was announced on the morning of December 8, 2011 that Pro-fessor Gong Xiaonan (born in 1944), a foundation scientist with Zhejiang University, was elected an academician of Chinese Acad-emy of Engineering. Zhejiang was honored to have two professors elected in 2011. The other is Professor Chen Jiannan, president of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
I visit the 68-year-old Professor Gong at his home a few days before the Spring Festival in 2012. I had mistakenly imagined meeting a sort of bookworm, but when I walk into his home, I am deeply impressed by a touch of culture in the sitting room and I find him a man of culture and hobby. On the walls are a few paint-ings and large photographs of his families. Over the sofa are a few red strings displaying about 100 New Year cards from colleagues, friends, relatives, students and government offices. These cards con-gratulate him on his academic recognition. The professor does not display these cards for showoff. He likes the fine artistry of these cards: dragon images, the Chinese character 龙 (dragon) in various calligraphic styles, and messages.
Before my interview with the professor starts, Gong makes me a cup of oolong tea. I witness a complicated process of tea mak-ing, which shows that he is versed in tea culture. He confesses to a passion for tea. His sister is a professor of tea studies with the Ag-ricultural College of Zhejiang University and introduced him to tea culture. He says a cup of tea helps him better ponder scientific and engineering issues. He also enjoys having a cup of tea with his fam-ily.
Gong reveals that his father was a self-educated man. His father used to work as a village chief. With only five years of education
in primary school, he taught himself to read newspapers. In his evening years, the senior traced the family roots and put together a family genealogy. The father gave top priority to education, giv-
ing his seven children opportunities to go to school. Now five of
the seven grew up to be teachers: three collage professors, a middle school teacher and a primary school teacher with a senior title.
The professor says that he has benefited a great deal from the four major classical novels he read in his boyhood years. He does not hide his preference for stories of gods and devils and kongfu legends written by ancients.
Gong Xiaonan’s education and career advance was smooth. When he entered Qinghua University as a major of civil engineer-ing in July 1961, the 17-year-old was the youngest in the class. After graduation, he worked in the northwestern China, building roads and bridges. In 1978, he took a graduate course at Zhejiang University. This graduate course was a turning point of his career. He shifted his academic focus on geotechnical engineering. He got his master’s degree in 1981 and doctoral degree in 1984. He was China’s first PhD in the field of geotechnical engineering. In 1986, he received a scholarship and went to study at Karlsruhe University for two years. On returning to Zhejiang University in the spring of 1988, he became a professor; in 1993, he was appointed a doctoral advisor. He has assumed a series of leaderships at honorable profes-sional institutions and publications.
Gong Xiaonan has left his master touches in various construc-tion projects in the urbanization of Hangzhou, including a highway project that won a top national construction honor in 2004. Gong has written and edited 16 books and over 400 papers. Under his tu-telage, 75 have acquired master’s degrees and 72 doctoral degrees.
Before the interview ends, Gong shows me a few photos of the past. In his younger years, he practiced boxing and sword. In one of the pictures, he does the splits perfectly. With total dedication to work, he did not have time for practicing kongfu more diligently, but he still finds time for swimming and doing Taiji boxing. He be-lieves a scientist needs both academic knowledge and health to go far in his career. □