“中国亟需找回自己的过住。在他们来看,当务之急是找回原粹;中国人亟欲找回自己的原创,回溯自己的根源。”Salvatore Ferragamo总裁Michele Norsa最近在亚洲各地旅行一个月之后这样说,在此之前他累积了20年中国皮件市场营销经验。近20年,随着中国进入全球化进程,我们的外在、内在世界都在时间中发生着未曾预料的改变。城市成为当代国际建筑界的实验
“China urgently needs to find its own way back, and in their view, it is imperative to get back the essence; the Chinese are eager to find their origin and trace back their roots.” "Michele Norsa, President of Salvatore Ferragamo, recently spent time in Asia After a month of traveling, he said that before that, he had accumulated 20 years of Chinese leather marketing experience. In the past 20 years, as China has entered the process of globalization, unexpected changes have taken place in our external and internal worlds over time. The city has become an experiment in contemporary international architecture circles