【摘 要】
杨小辰 译 As Europe waved goodbye to David Beckham a fan tries to explain why he feels the American sport s fan will also soon be an admirer. When you watch David Beckham with a ball you watch someone a
杨小辰 译
As Europe waved goodbye to David Beckham a fan tries to explain why he feels the American sport s fan will also soon be an admirer.
When you watch David Beckham with a ball you watch someone at the very pinnacle of their profession. The master craftsman, perhaps even a great artist!Europe is in mourning as he leaves for America and yet many in his new homeland aren't sure what it's all about.
又到了辞旧迎新的时刻。窗外飞舞的雪花,飘洒下了希望和祝福。它让我们的心归零,然后重新开始了一段旅程。 又到了清仓检索的时刻。翻开一页页彩色的纸张,看刻印我们一年时光的书卷,重新找回属于过去的记忆和属于未来的憧憬。 岁末,一个结束的象征。 年初,一个开始的信号。 就在这结束和开始交替的时间里,我们打开往事…… 读者篇 时光飞逝,转眼间我们的《影视》杂志在各位读者的关怀下又走过了一
海岩+电视剧+新人,这个组合大家一定不陌生。这个组合在中国的电视剧历史上已经驰骋19年之久,并且始终保持着自己的旺盛生命力。日前,被认为是海岩放眼国际而精心打造的大型电视连续剧《五星饭店》举办了片头曲、片尾曲发布会。 为自己作品的原声音乐单独举办一场发布会,这样的动作如果放在当今电影界不算特别,但在电视剧的宣传环节中绝对是少见的了。当天的发布会,尽管《五星饭店》中的张峻宁、牛萌萌的缺席有些遗憾,
邹尚操 选译 The past year had seemed interminable, as she felt that the walls of her childhood home were constricting. Oh,to be out on her own, away from smothering parental rules, to "become herself." T
三湘大地,自古匪情如炽。北宋以后,历朝历代均花费大量人力物力,或兴师动众,近剿远伐;或招安抚慰,软硬兼施,然大多无功而返,收效甚微,“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”。多少明君英主,猛将能臣,惟有望匪兴叹,徒唤奈何。 26集电视连续剧《湘西往事》由中央电视台影视部跟踪拍摄,是华谊兄弟入股的天音传媒投拍的第一部大戏。总制片人陈永宁表示,这也是天音股东冯小刚进军四川影视市场的第一部戏。本剧由亲眼目睹湘西
2007 F1 Chinese Grand Prix 2007 F1 中国大奖赛 Date: October 5-7, 2007 Venue: Shanghai International Circuit A number of changes to both the Sporting and Technical Regulations have been made by the FIA
金今/选译 Nature seems to have bestowed upon Norway the most of its mercy. This country is elegant and boasts of its natural Wealth.If you ever wish to cruise through the deep Atlantic fjords or climb mo
金善 选注 ……许下愿望,然后深呼吸,将蒲公英的种子吹散至风中:如果花头变得光秃秃的,我们的愿望就会实现;如果花头上还残留着一些绒毛,那只有部分愿望可以实现。
杨笑然 译 当非洲水牛遇上狮子会怎样?如果在这样的遭遇中鳄鱼又掺和进来呢?——这是发生在非洲克鲁格国家公园的一部惊悚三幕剧,剧情跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,至于结果嘛——还得看了才知道!
畅捷 选注 1.NAMES 从朋友间的称呼看…… If Laurie,Linda,Elizabeth and Barbara go out for lunch,they will call each other Laurie,Elizabeth and Barbara.
hildren love to listen to stories about their elders, when they were children; to stretch their imagination to the conception of a traditionary great-uncle or grandam,whom they never saw. It was in th