The genetic diversity of 56 island cotton germplasms was analyzed using 95 pairs of SSR markers, of which 33 were from Russia, 5 from Egypt, 2 from the United States, 1 from Albania, 8 from Xinjiang, China and 7 from China’s Yunnan, Jiangsu and other places. The results showed that a total of 384 alleles were detected in 56 ISSR markers by 95 SSR primers, of which 296 were polymorphic alleles (77.1%). The allele amplitude of each pair of primers ranged from 2 to 9 with an average of 4.1. The genetic diversity index (H) ranged from 0.035 to 2.931 with an average of 0.879. The Shannon information index (I) is between 0.090 and 4.417 with an average of 1.363. The trend of each index is the same. The polymorphism information content of 95 pairs of SSR primers PIC ranged from 0.035 to 0.926, with an average of 0.698.56. The similarity coefficients between two cotton cultivars ranging from 0.585 to 0.952 were mainly between 0.6 and 0.8, accounting for 97% of the total data, the average genetic similarity coefficient of 0.7. As a whole, the genetic similarity coefficient of 56 island cottons was high. As can be seen from the cluster diagram, with the genetic distance of 0.69 as the standard, 56 island cotton varieties can be divided into 4 categories. The first category consists mainly of 27 varieties of sea-island cotton from the former Soviet Union. Among them are the Giza 77 from Egypt and the assorted cotton from the United States and 239 from this type. Category 2 is more complicated, but mainly consists of 6 islands cotton from Xinjiang and 4 from Giza series from Egypt. The third category includes eight varieties, mainly from the six varieties of the former Soviet Union, from Pakistan 3116 in Xinjiang and Hebei B91-45 in Hebei. Category 4 only came from the former Soviet Union, L-8007, alone into one category. The results showed that SSR as a codominant marker was especially suitable for pedigree analysis and identification of G. barbadense and its parents. Therefore, the SSR marker technology can provide a reliable molecular level basis for the parental matching in island cotton breeding practice.