七、第六章预应力混凝土结构 1.《1961年预规》是单行本,内容自成体系。纳入《1974年桥规》后,某些重复的内容,如设计荷载、混凝土容许应力等均予取消。 2.高强度钢筋(含钢丝、钢绞线)改按冶金工业部标准YB255—64、YB286—64的规定,其抗拉极限强度及弹性模量等也相应作了修改。 3.降低了预应力钢筋达到抗拉计算强度或混凝土达到抗压极限强度时的强度安全
Chapter VI Prestressed Concrete Structure 1. “Pre-Regulation 1961” is a single-line, self-contained system. After the inclusion of “Bridge Regulations 1974”, some overlapping contents such as design load, concrete allowable stress and so on were all canceled. 2. High-strength steel (including steel wire, strand) changed according to the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry standards YB255-64, YB286-64, the ultimate tensile strength and elastic modulus, etc. have also been modified accordingly. 3. Reduce the tensile strength of prestressed reinforced concrete to reach the ultimate strength of compressive strength or safety