利益表达机制属于政治学中“权利”的范畴,本文在全国综合社会调查数据的基础上,利用Binary Logistic回归,考察了“内在政治效能感”和“外在政治效能感”以及“媒介使用”对居民“利益抗争方式选择”的影响。研究发现,“内在政治效能感”对“制度性利益抗争方式选择”和“非制度性利益抗争方式选择”都有很大影响;而“外在政治效能感”对“利益抗争方式”影响力不足;“媒介的使用”对“非制度化的利益抗争方式选择”存在正向影响。
The mechanism of interest expression belongs to the category of “right” in political science. Based on the data of the national comprehensive social survey, this paper uses Binary Logistic regression to examine the relationship between “internal political efficacy ” and “external political efficacy ”And“ the use of media ”on the residents “ interests of the way the choice of ”impact. The study found that “intrinsic political sense of efficacy ” has a great influence on the “choice of the system of interest to fight the way ” and “the choice of the non-institutional interest to fight the way ”; “external political sense of efficacy There is not enough influence on ”interest protest mode “; ”use of media “ has a positive impact on ”non-institutional choice of interests and ways of protest ".