,Detection of digestive malignancies and post-gastrectomy complications via gastrointestinal fluid e

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To date,gastric carcinoma (GC) is one of the common and fatal digestive malignancies worldwide.The prognosis of GC is not always satisfactory because of late diagnosis.Scholars are keen on discovering novel accurate and economical biomarkers in body liquids for GC screening to detect and evaluate the lesion before the results of imaging techniques are obtained.While traditional serum assays have limited sensitivity and specificity,gastrointestinal juice may provide relevant specific biomarkers because of its close contact with the tumor.Herein,the current progress in the relationship between gastrointestinal fluid analyses and GC is systematically and comprehensively reviewed.The detection of gastric juice pH,fluorescence spectrum,cytology,Helicobacterpyloriassociated markers,nitrosamines,conventional tumor markers,amino acids,proteomics,microRNAs,long noncoding RNAs,protein-coding genes,vitamin C,etc.,and combination tests of different category markers could provide important diagnostic and prognostic clues for gastrointestinal diseases.Particularly,early GC may be efficiently screened using gastric juice.Gastrointestinal fluid examination could also predict the adverse effects of postgastrectomy,such as pancreatic leakage,fistula,and abscess.Gastric fluid markers should be further studied to reveal the early predicators of malignancy and complications.The methods for obtaining the samples of gastrointestinal juice with minimum incision should also be comprehensively investigated.
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摘 要:随着新课程改革的进一步深入,信息技术课堂中开展合作学习也出现了一些问题。本文根据教学实践,总结了开展合作学习存在的问题,并提出开展有效合作学习的策略。  关键词:信息技术;有效;合作学习  中图分类号:G434文献标识码:B 文章编号:1673-8454(2009)24-0046-04    新课程倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,合作学习可以为每位学生营造宽松自由的学习环境,增加学生的信息