在冀南大地某村,有一座坐北朝南、宽敞明亮、如今已不多见的四合院,院的主人姓王。说起老王的四合院,很是经历了一番分分合合,这其中老王家的一纸家庭档案——典契起了决定性的作用。 刚解放时,老王家因为人多分到一所四合院,虽说房子结构土多砖少,但瓦房堂屋居高临下,东西小屋两厢作陪,总体上不失为一所标准的四合院,一家人倒也其乐融融。 谁知天有不测风云。那年五月,正值麦收时节,老王的母亲在堂屋烧火做好饭后,没顾上细察,就忙着上地里给正在割麦的家人送饭。当汗流浃背的家人吃完饭稍事休息时,有人急跑着赶来报信:“快回去吧,你们家着火啦!”原来,
A village in southern Hebei, there is a north-south, bright and spacious, is now rare in the courtyard, the hospital’s owner surnamed Wang. Speaking of Pharaoh’s courtyard, it is undergoing some division and cooperation, of which the family’s old paper arch family - the pawn played a decisive role. When just liberated, the Pharaohs were divided into a courtyard because of the people, although the structure of the building brick, but Wafangdang house condescending, things hut hatchback as a whole, after all, after all, a standard courtyard, the family would be happy. Surprisingly, there are unexpected events. May that year, at the time of the wheat harvest, Pharaoh’s mother boiled fire in the church room after dinner, without looking closely, busy on the ground to the family is cutting wheat delivery. When the sweaty family ate a meal break, some people rush to run to report: “Come back, your home fire it!” So,